About Us:
Perfect Perennials is a plant nursery in the heart of Suffolk specialising solely in perennials, open to the public every Spring, Summer and Autumn.
We are an old fashioned nursery with contemporary ideas, growing quality, affordable perennial plants in pots, in a range of sizes for you to take home. Wander around the nursery choosing from the best looking plants all grown here on site. Watch the bees enjoy the self sown plants in the shingle and watch Darren prepping the next batch of plants. Get all the information you need from our unique picture cards, great for the expert and novice gardener alike.
News from the Nursery 01 Feb.2025
​The nursery is now CLOSED for the winter.
Have you noticed that the days are slowly getting longer? I can now work until gone 5pm which is great.! Now is the time to get 4000 bare root plants potted and tucked up in the polytunnel so they can slowly develop strong roots. We aim to have over 12,000 plants to offer you in 2025.
We will have some new plants this year as well as the usual favourites.​
Compost is available over the winter, get in touch to arrange collection.​
Our provisional date for opening this year is April 1st.
We look forward to welcoming you to our little plant paradise.!
Please note that we are
in no way connected to Perfect Perennials on Etsy
FOR 2025
Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pm
Sunday: 10am - 4pm
Bank Hols: 10am - 4pm
Open Good Friday until
October 31st
Every year since 2005.
Contact Us:
We are always pleased to hear from people and you can choose the most convenient way to get in touch.
Tel. 01449 711320
Email. perper@hotmail.co.uk
Write. Perfect Perennials
Earl Stonham
Suffolk IP14 5HY
Find us on:

When I set out the nursery in 2004 I knew I had to be clever with the layout. Being in a very exposed site and fairly high, wind is a big problem so i came up with the idea of low "box" hedging to protect the plants from the worst of the weather. Not wanting the problem of box blight I used Lonicera Nitida instead. I hope you will agree it makes for a very interesting visit as it takes a good walk to see all of our plants!

The Wildlife:
I'm passionate about plants and nature, and do my best to encourage wildlife into the nursery and beyond. The nursery is always filled with bees, butterflies and birds, Blackbirds and Robins and Blue Tits chatter to me all day, Buzzards float by overhead and long tailed tits pay a fleeting visit. The local woodpeckers will often visit our nut feeder. Even the dreaded Sparrowhawk will dive through the nursery occasionally. Hedgehogs can often be found by torchlight eating the slugs and snails (no poisonous slug pellets are used here). Ladybirds are often moved onto Lupins to eat the greenfly and we have a bumblebee hive so that the bees can take advantage of the flowers on site,
We are now offering our very own, exclusive,
Perfect Perennial vouchers for sale!
These will make a great Birthday, Wedding, Christmas, Anniversary or "Thank you" gift for any keen gardener.
They can be purchased to any value, starting from just £5.00
Phone or email us to purchase or use paypal.me/perper2005